In Praise of Management

We often start training programmes with a discussion on the differences between managers and leaders and we typically get responses like this – “leaders inspire and motivate, and managers instruct and punish”, “leaders create opportunities and managers stifle creativity”, and so on. My response is that they are describing BAD managers. Often our perception of ‘management’ so often defaults to the negative stereotypical view.

If all companies have managers, then they must serve a purpose. Surely management is important otherwise why not get rid of management, allow the natural leaders to emerge, and surely everything would work out? We need managers. And we need leaders. They serve different but equally important roles. We always hear about the value of leaders within an organisation, so this blog is about the value of GOOD managers!

Do you want to develop as a manager and a leader? Find out more about our diploma in management and leadership – Maximising Potential, launching in Dubai on 28th October.


Deliver the Vision

Managers bring a focus on execution. They ensure things get done by focusing people on short-term goals and delegating well to ensure those goals are met. Contrary to the bad manager stereotype of a manager out of touch with his team and their needs, a good manager knows their team intricately. They know their strengths, weaknesses, stressors, and priorities and can delegate to them based on the best value they bring to the team. Managers get things done through people, prioritising what needs to be done to achieve the bigger picture vision.

Keep the Business Focused

Managers ensure that the activities are focused in the right direction and the team is pulling together to reach goals. They can see the waste in unnecessary and distracting activities and are able to recognise when people need to be reminded of the ultimate objective. This limits waste and ensures goals are met faster. And yes, a good manager will also recognise when we need to take a step back and think more creatively or take a different approach. They ensure they are focused, but not blind to new ideas.

Maintain Structure and Order

In Start Up's, innovation and flexibility are key. You need to respond to the quickly changing environment around you, take advantage of opportunities and create something from nothing very quickly. This environment is perfect for leaders who are quick on their feet and comfortable in chaos. But as a business grows it becomes a different animal. Predictability and quality control become more important. Where we once innovated, we need to replicate and deliver consistently. This is where the manager’s role is key. They bring structure and systems which allows people to know within what boundaries they need to operate. They bring stability and reliability. In large organisations this is essential to ensure mavericks don’t put the organisation at risk. (Cough – Nick Leeson)

Problem Solve

Good managers are great problem solvers. They tackle challenges head-on and get the team involved in how to handle them. This isn’t about top-down decisions and strong-arming people to do what they want them to do. It is about consensus building and maintaining peace and smooth operation. They need to solve problems through others; again, their good insights into their team are important here. They can utilise the talented people around them to overcome obstacles and move forwards. They ensure that problems are dealt with swiftly and with minimal impact on the team and result.

Develop Others

Building others up is a critical part of being a good manager. They recognise talent and provide the environment and opportunities for that talent to flourish. They push back and challenge because they expect more. A good manager is looking for ways to build up the skills and confidence of their team and give them what they need to thrive. Managers recognise that when their team members get better so does everything else – the result, the department, and the organisation. They celebrate success and help the team move on from setbacks.

Do you want to develop as a manager and a leader? Find out more about our diploma in management and leadership – Maximising Potential, launching in Dubai on 28th October.


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